Parent Info
The philosophy of the Horton D.A.E.P. campus is that every student deserves a second opportunity to re-apply themselves and refocus on their education. Therefore the Horton D.A.E.P. campus focuses on providing the Horton D.A.E.P. students with restorative practices, educational, behavioral, social, and psychological needs that will allow a Horton D.A.E.P. student to learn from their mistakes and start to rebuild their self esteem and character to create a stronger rounded learning base to allow them to return to their home base campus as a stronger student.
We have implemented restorative practices to build positive relationships between teachers and students. The Horton D.A.E.P administration understands that the Horton D.A.E.P. students are at a higher risk of dropping out of school and therefore we do not antagonize the students to react, but we make them responsible for their actions or lack of actions. The Horton D.A.E.P. students also receive counseling on the importance of school, the struggles and demise of dropouts, substance abuse, and behavior modifications. The Horton D.A.E.P. administration believes "It takes a village to raise a child" and we are a big part of that village. For a Horton D.A.E.P. student to be successful, the Horton Disciplinary Alternative Education Program has to be successful.
- Placement Hearing
- Placement Order
- Student Management Plan
- Expulsion Hearings
- Special Ed / 504 Students:
- Grades/Credits
- Testing Staar/Staar A/Staar M
- Exit Procedures